
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021


  I thought about this post a little more because the topic is interesting, if I could travel to a future I think I would have to take the opportunity to imagine my dream of a post apocalyptic future like Blade Runner science fiction and that style, I also imagine similar to Fahrenheit, a dystopia in general I would like, because I have always been fascinated by those themes of advanced technology mixed with a dark touch ready for the light to reveal itself. I think my biggest references to dystopias that have inspired me to make this post are Evangelion, Akira and the Black Mirror saga that are great and especially Brave New World which I think is my favorite novel in life, if I could define a time that would be this hypothetical world I would say around 3000-4000 AD. I think staying in that place would be a survival challenge that I consider crazy but entertaining so it would give a unique meaning to my life and would be a unique opportunity so if I would stay until I die, but what w